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A call for volunteers: PCCC needs you on the course


When it comes to volunteering for the Price Cutter Charity Championship presented by Dr Pepper, a military retiree puts it this way:

“The reward of being a volunteer is the end result, the money going to the charities and being part of a million-dollar team,” said Air Force Master Sgt. (Ret.) Gary Hopkins, a Springfield resident. “It definitely makes you feel good.”

The 26th annual tournament, a PGA Tour stop, has long thrived on volunteers – roughly 1,000 per year — such as Jacque Walton (26 years) and six-year volunteer Hopkins. But more are needed this year.

The tournament has issued a call for volunteers again in hopes of finalizing about 75 spots. The greatest need at this time is for walking scorers and on-course service volunteers. The tournament will be Aug. 13-16 at Highland Springs Country Club.

The tournament has raised almost $12 million in the past 26 years, including a record $1 million-plus last year.

“Volunteers are an integral part of the success of the tournament,” said Sharyn Wagoner, PCCC Tournament Chair. “There are over 1,000 volunteers each year doing everything from parking cars, driving shuttles, feeding volunteers, providing childcare for golfers’ families, to keeping score and marshaling the course. Without the hard work and dedication of our volunteers, we would not be able to accomplish all that we do.”

To become a volunteer, visit the tournament website at and sign up. Or call the tournament office at 417-887-3400.

Volunteers are asked to pay $45, which includes a lot of perks: a polo shirt, cap or visor, backpack, water bottle, tickets to the tournament, general admission tickets to the Springfield Cardinals and access to parties, including the Volunteer Party in the Jackson Brothers of the Ozarks tent after the championship round. Volunteers who work two shifts are eligible for either a round of golf at Rivercut Golf Course or a dinner certificate to the Tower Club.

Walking scorers have the additional perk of walking the course with three professional golfers inside the ropes while keeping score. The on-course services include a variety of roles such as keeping coolers stocked for the pros.

Hopkins, for instance, has performed a number of roles in his six years including marshaling and on-course services.

“I always volunteered through my (24 ½-year) military career, and it’s something I continued on after I retired,” Hopkins said. “Volunteering for the Price Cutter is a win-win.”

“The main thing I like is the camaraderie with all the volunteers. Everybody is glad to be there. It’s awe-inspiring.”

The call for volunteers comes as PCCC-related events are rapidly approaching: a free Kids Fun Day and Junior Golf Clinic presented by Jared Enterprises at 10 a.m. on July 17 at Highland Springs Country Club; a free Price Cutter Charities Junior Golf Outing at 10 a.m. on July 19 at the Oscar Blom Golf Course in north Springfield; and the Michele Kiser Women’s Golf Clinic, Luncheon and Fashion Show presented by Advertising Plus on Aug. 4 at Highland Springs.

Want to volunteer for the PCCC?

Sign up: Go to or call 417-887-3400

Dates: The Price Cutter Charity Championship presented by Dr Pepper is Aug. 13-16 at Highland Springs Country Club.

The perks: A polo shirt, cap or visor, backpack, water bottle, tickets to the tournament, general admission tickets to the Springfield Cardinals and access to parties, including the volunteers’ party in the Jackson Brothers of the Ozarks tent after the championship round. Volunteers who work two shifts are eligible for either a round of golf Rivercut Golf Course or a dinner certificate at the Tower Club.